Okay, so you might have read my post about safety cones. Well, I actually broke down and bought one the other day. Not purple, green, yellow, or red. Orange. Safety Orange, to be exact. I bought it at Northern Tool.
The guy working there was quite entertained. I found a fabric, "collapsible" type. A guy was on a ladder nearby, and asked if I needed any help.
I asked "do you have any NORMAL safety cones?" as I pointed dejectedly to the strange mutant collapsible cone.
"Oh" he said, "they are on the other side, in the middle aisle, you can't miss them." I guess it wasn't such a strange request after all.
So off I went, in search of safety cones.
The guy working there was quite entertained. I found a fabric, "collapsible" type. A guy was on a ladder nearby, and asked if I needed any help.
I asked "do you have any NORMAL safety cones?" as I pointed dejectedly to the strange mutant collapsible cone.
"Oh" he said, "they are on the other side, in the middle aisle, you can't miss them." I guess it wasn't such a strange request after all.
So off I went, in search of safety cones.
Who knew they had so many "types". Taller, VERY tall, little, and ones with white reflective safety tape.
I picked the most "normal" one I could find. And I took it home. It actually looks quite at-home in my office.
I've also become more aware of safety cones I see "out in the real world" and note their type, habitat, "job", and their condition.
I decided that safety cones are a lot like humans.
It doesn't matter if they are "bad" safety cones. It doesn't matter if they are "good" safety cones.
Some are in areas of high importance. Some have almost "regal" jobs. Some show a lot of wear and tear due to their function and location, while others guard important areas inside of buildings, and are kept all shiny and new.
On the freeway today, on the concrete middle, I saw a safety cone that really intrigued me. It was covered in clear plastic. As if to protect it from the rain, elements, road gook.
Why? Did someone care about protecting it? Was it a special cone?
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