Photo courtesy of www.enasco.com
Safety cones, everyone knows what they are. Everyone knows that they mean "beware,", "caution," and, in general, safety.
I've always loved safety cones. I always wanted one, and before the birth of e-commerce, they were difficult to come by, unless you wanted to "permanently borrow" one from a roadside. And although i'd never do that, they were pretty beat up and stampeded on anyway, with lots of black marks.
I was thrilled to see that you can buy them online! Even my favorite store in the whole world, Nasco, has them:
And yes, they come in red, yellow, blue, green, purple, and of course orange. How cool is that. You can coordinate them with your interior decorating!
And for the latest in safety cone attire, you can even purchase CONE COVERS with cute little colored numbers. Isn't that just absolutely insane!
I guess i'm not the only one obsessed with safety cones. They even have them outside the Seattle Art Museum. Although on a much grander scale::
In 2002, even Macy's used them for a window display:
It's never too late to get your kids (or yourself!) interested in safety cones. Check out this almost-like-a-sand-zen-garden playset:
People are even making them in Second Life:
Safety cones. The new black.